Daily thoughts will be posted by ministry leaders to guide us during the 21 days. Feel free to comment.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

God is the Solution

What a beautiful morning! Whenever I wake early to pray, those seem like some of the best times I have in communication with God. The spirit of expectancy that came over me this morning when I was praying about these next 21 days is indescribable. Jesus never mentioned unanswered prayer. Rather, He told His disciples, "Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full." It is so awesome that God answers prayer in the best way EVERYTIME and when we are praying in according to His will, we get to see it answered in the same light that He sees it. When I am on my knees in prayer, those are the times where God shows me who He is.

I am very excited about the fasting part of this 21 days of prayer. When I fast, I love being able to carve out that extra time with God during that time in which I would usually be doing the other practice. Fasting really stretches me; it helps me grow closer to Him and increases how dependent I am on Him.

I was reading Rodney's blog from last night before I posted this morning and it reminded me of something Filipe and I were talking about. In the book Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, when the Brooklyn Tabernacle congregation was so dependent on God that prayer was the only answer when someone would ask how they are doing what they are doing, God seemed to have an overflow of blessings for them. I pray that whenever someone hears or asks about how God is advancing His Kingdom at Northwood Assembly, we can give Him the glory and say, "It's because we pray to Our Father."

John 3:8 says, "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." The Holy Spirit, just like wind, is difficult to understand. But proof of the work of the Spirit is evident and undeniable when He begins to move. Let Him move in your life.

- A.J.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to be part of this journey with the body of Christ at Northwood!