Daily thoughts will be posted by ministry leaders to guide us during the 21 days. Feel free to comment.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Realization and An Answer

My ears have heard of you, but now I have seen you with my own eyes,
Job 42:5

I was reading in Job the other day, and one thought hit me that I had never had before. The statement that Job makes in Job 42:5 just blows me away. I think about all that Job had endured. The pain that he felt, and the commitment that he had. Having lost everything, his friends, wealth, and even the support of his family, nothing, could convince him to turn his back on his God. He lived an upright, blameless life in God’s eyes. (Job 1:8). The Bible goes on to let us know he was a man who feared God and shunned evil. What makes a man live this way? I guess the realization that I am trying to make is Job lived his life on a belief and a confidence in who he knew and heard to be God. Isn’t that what drives us to live the way we do? We direct our total focus and attention on a God of whom we have heard. How many of us have actually seen God? Many so called Christians live their lives strictly on what commandments the Bible gives and never really truly experience God or get to see him at work in their lives. Job stood firm in his confidence in his maker, yet here we find him making a statement that says, everything he thought he knew about God was just hear say, but now he has seen God with his own eyes. Maybe it is time for some of us to experience a God moment like this. When we see, if we are living this kind of life based on hear say, or living based what we have seen. Not taking anything from Job please don’t mistake this. Job was found so upright in God’s eyes that God himself was sure that Job would not fail Him. Job was the Bomb!!! But even he when experiencing God through trial and heart ache had found a realization. What realization do we need in this last half of the 21 Days? Maybe it is more than that, maybe you have been searching for some real answers. Job sought for answer the majority of his troubles and it wasn’t until the near end that God began to speak. Seek God hard this last half of the 21 Days because the realization or the answer might be a few days away.

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