Daily thoughts will be posted by ministry leaders to guide us during the 21 days. Feel free to comment.

Friday, January 11, 2008


I remember one time when God taught me to pray specific prayers. I was in a ministry internship and we went on something called a Faithwalk. It was very similar to Matthew 10:5 when Jesus sent the twelve out to minister to the cities. The disciples were instructed not to take any food, money or extra clothes. So we were out there in the middle of nowhere looking for someone to minister to and for food and shelter. I asked my team what we should pray for and they said "lunch". So I said "Ok, what kind of lunch should we pray for?" And we all agreed to pray for pepperoni pizza. Later a truck pulled over and gave us a ride and we ministered to them on the way to wherever. When they took us as far as they could they dropped us off at a gas station. When we walked inside the owner asked us if we would like some free pepperoni pizza. Sure! It really taught me a lot because we weren't allowed to ask anyone for anything. We could accept offers but we could only ask God specific prayers. There were so many specific prayers answered like people praying for a disabled person to minister to or an old widower to encourage.
A year later we were on another Faithwalk and this one was a lot harder. It was cold and rainy and we were walking at night. We had prayed specific prayers but we felt like God just wanted us to keep walking. We began to sing songs from our spirit. The words just came out of our mouths without even trying to think of lyrics. And then we saw a rainbow. It was so dark that night but we saw this rainbow and we walked right through it but it stayed with us as we walked. There were 5 of us and we were walking shoulder to shoulder and this rainbow went from my feet (I was on the far right) and over our heads and ended at the feet of the person on the far left. It was amazing. It just stayed with us as we walked. It was like God was giving us the symbol he gave Noah, telling us He will keep His promises. Soon after a car pulled over and this guy jumped out in the rain and said "Are you ready for some food and a place to stay?" Sure!

I learned that if you pray for someone to minster to they just might show up and you are going to have to back up your prayer and minster to them! So many of us are praying for wisdom during these 21 days. If God gives you wisdom will you act on it? If God gives you boldness will you use it? If you tell God you will do anything He tells you to do can you back that up?

James talks about this in a passage we have all read. Read it today keeping in mind all the prayers you've been praying lately.

What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.

James 2:14-17

If you've been praying for a name on the wall maybe you are part of the answer. Faith and action go hand in hand. God many times gives us the keys to the car but we don't get in and drive! God loves faithfulness. Remember the parable of the talents. If we are faithful to use what He has given us then He will keep on giving as we keep on using. Sometimes we struggle because we don't feel like God is speaking to us. Maybe we should think back to the last thing He spoke to us. Did we do what He asked? Were we faithful? If not, how could we expect more from Him? James 1:22 teaches us to be doers and not just hearers. Sometimes we feel so good about praying. We're like "I'm doing good! I'm reading and I'm hearing". Are we doing any of it? It says that when we hear but don't do we are deceiving ourselves. My wife is never impressed when she asks me to take out the trash and I keep saying "Ok, I hear you". I left out the most important part. I have to get off my couch and do it. Let's take the next step in our prayers by taking action.



Mandy Santos said...

What a great truth to be reminded of! Thanks Kevin.

Rodney Richard said...

Very true. We have been putting gas in the car and now it's time to take it for a ride!

JEM said...

You make a great point...we should walk in faith to accomplish God's purpose in us and through us every day. The 21 days of prayer is a Faithwalk...a journey to accomplish God's will in our lives and in the lives of those, God places before us.
Just this week I was at a gas station and I saw a homeless man going through the garbage. I watched how the other people at the gas station looked at the man with disgust instead of compassion. My heart broke for this man. He hadn't asked a single person for money. I began to pray for the man and decided to give him some money. I prayed he wouldn't buy cigarettes or alcohol and that he would use the money to nourish his body. I approached the man and said, "God Bless You!" He looked at me intently with bright blue eyes looking out from a worn & weathered face and said, "Lady, and May God Bless You!"
Faith and action do go hand in hand. And when we step outside our comfort zone in faith...God will bless us in return when we least expect it.