Daily thoughts will be posted by ministry leaders to guide us during the 21 days. Feel free to comment.

Monday, January 7, 2008


"The greatest love that anyone could ever know
That overcame the cross and grave to find my soul
And till I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home
I'll trust in You

I will live to love You
I will live to bring You praise
I will live a child in awe of You"

I was listening to this song by Hillsong today while i was reading my bible and i felt this crazy sense of peace and excitement come over me. I'm not really sure if that is really possible but that is kind of what it felt like. This song should be our declaration to God. "God i will live to love you, God I will live to bring you praise, and I will live a child in awe of you."

I can't describe with words what it feels like to have an encounter with God. It's bigger than my thoughts. The only way for me to describe a God moment is by reacting to it. God steps in our day to day lives so often and we simply miss it. Over the last couple of days i have realized how often I ignore God. When my spirit is in line with God it allows me to sense his presence. The last couple of days has really been like that for me. I feel like God has really spoken to me. Now it is my time to react!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Robbie, I know exactly how you feel...I think. It's as if there is a serene look on your face and you have a permanent grin and on the inside you are so happy! You feel the constant companionship of the King. He is right behind you and leaning into every moment you experience. In your mind's eye, you can see Him and feel Him. And you can sense that He knows you feel and see Him. It's as if you can feel His joy and delight because you are paying attention. For a fleeting moment, it's such a thrill to know you are completely known. O'God that we could just live eternally in a moment like this. Maybe just a sample of what Heaven will be like.

Rodney Richard said...
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Rodney Richard said...

It is called satisfaction. It's like putting shoes on the right feet. It is what we were created for. The thing that that we must do, WE MUST DO, is invite all that are thirsty into moments like this. God puts His Spirit inside of us and it becomes like a river of living water that brings life to who ever encounters us. I love where God is taking us. Now we need to take it to this world.

Fred Connor said...

I really like where God is taking us through this. I want to take this to the streets and the communities.